Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The increasingly irrelevant Republican Party

A prominent Republican pollster is questioning the strategy of the GOP's congressional leadership, saying it put the party at risk of being out of touch and irrelevant.

Blogger Greg Sargent is reporting that Republican pollster Tony Fabrizio criticized the tactics of House Minority Leader John Boehner and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell as outdated.

"What are we in a time machine," Fabrizio said.  "We just got clobbered in two successive elections and lost majorities in both houses and the leadership continues to play the same cards."

Sargent noted that Fabrizio took exception to an RNC web ad called "Day 101" which suggests that the current Obama Administration has actually made America less safe and more vulnerable to attack because the President has promised to close Gitmo and no longer will allow interrogators to torture prisoners there.  In addition, the ad features smoldering images of the Pentagon in the aftermath of the Sept. 11 attacks.

"Most people are looking to Washington to see how they are going to solve the financial and banking crisis," said Fabrizio.

Besides looking out of touch and irrelevant, the central thesis of the ad is flawed because it reminds viewers that it was the Bush Administration that was in power during Sept. 11 and that those attacks took place nearly nine months into the first term of George W. Bush. Moreover, the ad unwittingly exposes the Republican Party to rank hypocrisy for being hyper critical of the first 100 days of the new Obama Administration while the Bush Administration ignored repeated warnings of potential terrorist attacks, including the now-infamous Aug. 6, 2001 Presidential Daily Brief "Bin Laden Determined to attack U.S."

The shrill infantile tone that the Republicans have adopted since their historic landslide defeat in the 2008 elections has backfired as the majority of polls suggest that President Obama and the Democrats have actually gained support in the face of continued GOP attacks while the support for the Republican agenda has been eroding.


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